– On May 17, 2023, Nathan Crystal and Craig Dobson spoke at a Practicing Law Briefing attended by close to 1000 lawyers. Their topic was “A Lawyer’s Duty of Competence in a Changing Legal Environment.”
– On March 17, 2023, Nathan Crystal spoke at a program sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh School of Law honoring the The Jurisprudence and Legacy of The Honorable Joseph F. Weis Jr. His topic was: A “Philosophy of Lawyering” Based on Judge Weis’s Nuanced Method of Judicial Decision Making.
– Nathan continues to write his bimonthly column on Ethics Watch for the South Carolina Lawyer. He has published the following articles this year:
- Ancillary Business Ethics, 34 S. Carolina Lawyer 15 (Jan. 2023);
- Dual Purpose Attorney-Client Communications: Does the Privilege Apply, 34 S. Carolina Lawyer 19 (March 2023);
- Choice of Ethics Rules under ABA Formal Opinion 504, 34 S. Carolina Lawyer 17 (May 2023)
- The Prohibition on Vouching, 34 S. Carolina Lawyer 15 (July 2023)
The eighth edition of my co-authored book Knapp, Crystal, & Prince, Problems in Contract Law: Cases and Materials is out.
Nathan Crystal was appointed to serve as an advisor to the Ethics Compendium project of the American Immigration Lawyers Association
On May 17, 2016, Nathan Crystal, at the SC Bar Conference Center, will deliver a continuing legal education program for the South Carolina Bar on the occasion of the publication of his 2016 edition of the Annotated South Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct. See more herehttp://www.cgcfirm.com/2016/05/new-edition-of-annotated-south-carolina-rules-of-professional-conduct-presented-on-may-17-2016-in-columbia/
Nathan Crystal at ABA SIL program “Affiliation Agreements Between Law Firms: Across the Borders” – April 15, 2016 at 9.00 Grand Hyatt in NYC
Nathan Crystal speaking at the ABA SIL program “affiliation agreements between law firms: across the borders” . This Friday April 15, 2016 at 9.00 am in NYC Nathan Crystal will be speaking at the ABA SIL program “Affiliation Agreements Between Law Firms: Across the Borders”. Panelists will discuss current developments (including international networks), ethics rules and different regulations, and situations of success. See more here http://www.cgcfirm.com/2016/04/nathan-crystal-speaking-at-the-aba-sil-program-affiliation-agreements-between-law-firms-across-the-borders/
PUBLISHED: Nathan M. Crystal & Francesca Giannoni-Crystal, Using Occam’s Razor to Solve International Attorney-Client Privilege Choice of Law Issues: An Old Solution to a New Problem, 41 N.C. J. Int’l L. 276 (2016), 41 N.C. J. Int’l L. 276 (2016), http://www.law.unc.edu/journals/ncilj/issues/volume41/issue-2-winter-2016/–using-occams-razor-to-solve-international-attorneyclient-privilege-choice-of-law-issues-an-old-solution-to-a-new-problem/
Francesca Giannoni-Crystal & Allyson Haynes Stuart, The Internet-of-Things (IoT) (#IoT) (or Internet of Everything) – privacy and data protection issues in the EU and the US, Information Law Journal, Spring 2016, volume 7 issue 2 – download it at http://apps.americanbar.org/dch/committee.cfm?com=ST230002
Thanksgiving 2015 – Working from a different location …
Nathan Crystal has been selected by his peers for inclusion in the 2016 Edition of the Best Lawyers of America in the area of Ethics and Professional Responsibility Law.
Nathan M. Crystal & Francesca Giannoni-Crystal, Using Occam’s Razor to Solve International Attorney-Client Privilege Choice of Law Issues: An Old Solution to a New Problem, forthcoming in North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation, volume 41.
Nathan M. Crystal, “Ethical Obligations in Responding to Auditors’ Requests”, South Carolina Lawyer 12 (May 2015).
Francesca Giannoni-Crystal will be speaking at the ABA 2015 Spring Meeting in DC – program “Martial Arts Ethics: Offensive and Defensive Techniques” – April 29, 2015, at 11 am – more here
Cherry Blossom in Washington, DC – April 12, 2015
Nathan M. Crystal & Francesca Giannoni-Crystal – new publication: Something’s got to give: breve comparazione tra l’approccio americano ed europeo al cloud computing, soluzioni pratiche, Cultura e Diritti, no.4/2014, October- December 2014, p. 27 (see here)
March 13, 3015 – Prof. Crystal has been appointed as an adjunct professor to teach Professional Responsibility at N.Y.U. Law School.
On January 22, 2015, Francesca Giannoni-Crystal spoke in the “Issues in International Litigation” program – SC Bar Convention 2015 (http://www.technethics.com/issues-in-international-litigat…/)
On November 17, 2014, in Vancouver at ABA SIL’s 2014 North America (“Cross Border Ethics in the Digital Age” – details here). Material available: see here.
On November 17, 2014, in Vancouver at ABA SIL’s 2014 North America Forum Nathan M. Crystal will speak on “Cross Border Ethics in the Digital Age”. See details
The NY office of the law firm of which Nathan Crystal is a founder (Crystal & Giannoni-Crystal, LLC) has moved from 11 Broadway, Suite 615, New York, NY 10038 to 75 Maiden Lane, Suite 341, New York, NY 10038
Published: Nathan M. Crystal & Francesca Giannoni-Crystal, Reconciling US and EU approaches to cloud contracts, 22 PL&B International, October 2014, Issue 131, www.privacylaws.com (read the Cloud Article)
Ethics Watch: Accepting Bitcoin, South Carolina Lawyer 10 (September 2014). Read here
Nathan M. Crystal & Francesca Giannoni-Crystal, “Something’s got to give” – Cloud Computing, as applied to lawyers – comparative approach US and EU and practical proposals to overcome differences, together with Nathan M. Crystal, Opinio Juris in Comparatione Vol.I, n.I, 2014 (available at http://www.opiniojurisincomparatione.org/)
Nathan Crystal was recently selected by his peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America© 2015 in the fields of Ethics and Professional Responsibility Law.
*new* Newsletter May 2014
Nathan Crystal has been appointed to the New York City Bar Ethics Advisory Committee.
Ethical Coffee Break No. 17 (March-August 2013)
Contracts Tea no. 17 (April-August 2013)
Contracts Tea No. 16 (January-March 2013)
Ethical Coffee Break No. 16 (December 2012-February 2013)
Contracts Tea No. 15 (November-December 2012)
Do the Right Thing (for your duty of competency): Some Ethical and Practical Thoughts on “Notarization” in International Transactions, together with Francesca Giannoni-Crystal, Global Jurist. Volume 12, Issue 2, Pages
–, ISSN (Online) 1934-2640, DOI: 10.1515/1934-2640.1412, December 2012, available
at http://www.degruyter.com/view/
Nathan M. Crystal & Francesca Giannoni-Crystal, Enforceability of Forum Selection Clause: A “Gallant Knight” Still Seeking Eldorado, 8 S.C. J. Int’l. L. & Bus 203.
Ethical Coffee Break No. 15 (September-November 2012)
Ethical Coffee Break No. 14 (June-August 2012)
Contracts Tea No. 14 (August-October 2012)
Contracts Tea No. 13 (May-July 2012)
Ethical Coffee Break No. 13 (May 2012)
Nathan Crystal was counsel of record and principal drafter of an amicus brief on behalf of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and the Aleph Institute (Jeffrey Green cocounsel) in support of Shalom Rubashkin’s Petition to the US Supreme Court for a for a Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit’s decision. The amicus deals with a judicial disqualification issue based on 28 U.S.C. § 455(a) and the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment.
Contracts Tea No. 12 (March and April 2012)
Ethical Coffee Break No. 12 (March and April 2012)
Contracts Tea No. 11 (February 2012)
Ethical Coffee Break No. 11 (February 2012)
Ethical Coffee Break No. 10 (December 2011-January 2012)
Contracts Tea No. 10 (December 2011-January 2012)
Contracts Tea No. 9 (November 2011)
On November 15, 2011, Professor Crystal has recorded a on-demand CLE for the South Carolina Bar, titleTechnology and the Ethics of Confidentiality (covering (1) public use of technology(2) metadata in document
transmission (3) loss of devices (4) disposal of devices (5) outsourcing and “the cloud” (6) use of social networking sites
(7) dealing with confidentiality breaches – The program includes
discussion of a provision for lawyers to consider including in their engagement agreements.) The CLE is available for purchase on the South Carolina Bar’s website (http://www.legalspan.com/
Ethical Coffee Break No. 9 (November 2011)
Ethical Coffee Break No. 8 (October 2011)
Contracts Tea No. 8 (October 2011)
This October, Ivanova María Ancheta Alvarado, Abogada y Notaria (admitted in Guatemala) joined our website as editor for Central America. She contributes to the News Section and the Newsletter, reporting on recent
developments in Central American law.
Ethical Coffee Break No. 7 (September 2011)
Professor Crystal has created a discussion group on LinkedIn entitled Nathan Crystal on Ethics. “The legal profession is undergoing dramatic changes
. Globalization, technology, and economic crisis are three factors that are causing these developments. Drawing on recent cases, ethics opinions, articles, and reports, we will try together to make sense of these changes.” If you want to take part, please apply through LinkedIn.
Contracts Tea No. 7 (September 2011)
Ethical Coffee Break No. 6 (August 2011)
Our website has recently been joined by a new assistant editor for China: Lanlan Xue, Nankai University ’11. She cooperates with the News Section and with the Newsletter, reporting recent important evolution of the Chinese law.
Contracts Tea No. 6 (August 2011)
Contracts Tea No. 5 (July 2011)
Ethical Coffee Break No. 5 (July 2011)
Contracts Tea No. 4 (June 2011)
Ethical Coffee Break No. 4 (June 2011)
July 18-21, 2011, Professor Crystal will teach a course of “Comparative Contract Law” in Tianjin, China inside the China 2011 Foreign-Study Program (Stetson Law). The course will explore the theoretical foundations of contract law by drawing on the resources of different legal systems. The primary sources of study will be the common law tradition represented by the U.S and the U.K. and the civil law tradition represented in European law. For info see Stetson Law website http://www.stetson.edu/law/studyabroad/china/media/CLASS_SCHEDULE_2011.pdf
Ethical Coffee Break No. 3 (May 2011)
Contracts Tea No. 3 (May 2011)
Ethical Coffee Break No. 2 (April 2011)
Contracts Tea No. 2 (April 2011)
Professor Crystal’s co-authored article with Ms. Giannoni-Crystal, entitled “Understanding Akzo Nobel: A Comparison of the Status of In-House Counsel, the Scope of the Attorney-Client Privilege, and Discovery in the U.S. and Europe,” is assigned reading for the University of Wisconsin’s upcoming symposium “Who’s In the House: The Future of In-House and General Counsel.” The article is available
at Global Jurist: Vol. 11: Iss. 1 (Topics), Article 1, http://www.bepress.com/gj/
information about the Symposium, see http://hosted.law.wisc.edu/
Contracts Tea No. 1 (March 2011)
Ethical Coffee Break No. 1 (March 2011)
Professor Crystal on South Carolina Lawyers Weekly (March 7, 2011)